Trust SHC for Parkinson Care

Parkinson’s disease symptoms can affect your loved one in various ways. Most common of all, it will affect your loved one’s mobility and the ability to carry on with day to day activities. Our staff is trained and experienced in caring for those who are suffering from Parkinson’s disease.

SHC's Parkinson Nursing Care Services

With the help of our visiting physiotherapist, you can eliminate the need for your loved one to move out of the house to receive treatment. Also, with personal attention, the chances of recovery are quicker. Every session comes with a minimum time frame of 30 minutes. Within this time, our specially trained physiotherapists will help carry out different exercises to improve mobility and provide ergonomic advice to ensure that your loved one’s condition is not aggravated.

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    Professional & Compassionate Caregivers

    • 100% court & criminal verified
    • Certified to handle medical conditions
    • Medically trained in-house for 70 hrs

    Convenient And Personalized Services

    • 24hr dedicated care manager
    • Customized 8hr/10hr/12hr/24hr care plans
    • 2000+ caregivers, attendants & nurse profiles

    Transparent Pricing

    • No Hidden Costs
    • Competitively price world class healthcare services
    • Refund on service dissatisfaction

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Parkinson’s disease is a condition that leads to a gradual and long-term degeneration of the central nervous system. It is a type of condition that can cause problems in the motor system and affect movement. The nerve cells in the brain produce a very important chemical known as dopamine, which sends signals to various parts of the brain that help to control movement. It also helps in smooth functioning of the muscles.

    When these nerve cells are affected, they are unable to produce dopamine. As a result, the person does not receive the appropriate signals to the brain, and hence there are problems with movement.

    Since it is a progressive disease, it gets worse over time, but the stage from initial to worse often happens slowly and takes many years.
    In most cases of Parkinson’s disease symptoms, first, start to appear during the 50s or 60s. In very few cases, a person may start showing the symptoms earlier. The main symptoms of Parkinson’s that you can spot in your loved one are:

    Tremors This means that you can notice an involuntary shaking in the hands, legs or arms of your loved one. Tremors are often one of the earliest symptoms of Parkinson’s, and also the one that is most easily noticeable.

    Stiffness in the muscles Your loved one will find it difficult to move the limbs, such as the hands or the knee area, and may also experience some pain.

    Movement Issues If your loved one has Parkinson’s, he or she will be slow in movement. For instance, they may take more time than usual to walk, as compared to what they required earlier.

    Balance and walking issues

    This is also a common symptom in those who suffer from Parkinson. Your loved one can have significant trouble with balance as well as walking issues, which will be more obvious when he or she tries to stand up from a sitting down position, or tries to walk without any support.

    Constipation This often comes at a relatively later stage, by when you will already start to notice the above symptoms in your loved one. As Parkinson’s affects the various muscles in the body, it can cause problems with swallowing and lead to a poor digestive system and constipation.

    Some other symptoms that you may notice in your loved one once Parkinson’s disease symptoms have set in and reach towards the later stages are a blank expression, problems with speaking and communication, becoming forgetful and so on.

    There are no immediate Parkinson’s disease causes known that can trigger in your loved one. It is believed that in some cases, abnormalities in the genes could cause Parkinson’s. However, there is not enough medical proof yet for the same.

    It may be due to genetics
    More and more studies are being conducted to prove if Parkinson’s can be caused due to genetic abnormalities. In very few cases, genetic abnormalities have been found within families which may be a cause of the same. However, in most cases, people who suffer from Parkinson’s do not have any identifiable genetic abnormalities.

    Environmental toxins
    Some scientists point to the theory that the presence of external and internal toxins can also cause Parkinson’s. These toxins can destroy the cells that produce dopamine, and hence lead to the onset of Parkinson’s. some toxins that may potentially form a threat and trigger conditions that could cause Parkinson’s are carbon monoxide, manganese, carbon disulphide and certain types of pesticides.

    Oxidative stressThis is a type of process in which the free radicals in the body react with the other molecules, such as iron, and try to replace any missing electrons. In people who are healthy, the brain and body is able to get rid of the excessive free radicals, but when a person’s brain and body is not able to do so, it could lead to oxidative stress. This can damage the tissues as well as neurons in the brain and lead to Parkinson’s.

    Could it be something else?

    Do note that even if your loved one shows some of the signs of Parkinson’s disease, it is possible that he or she does not have this condition, but is suffering from something else. Here are a few examples of conditions that may have similar symptoms as that of Parkinson’s.

    1. Side effect from medication – Some types of drugs, such as antipsychotics used to treat schizophrenia or paranoia, can lead to several symptoms that resemble those of Parkinson’s.
    2. Problems in the blood vessels – While it is not very common, in some cases, stroke or atherosclerosis (a type of condition in which the arteries turn hard), can lead to symptoms that are similar to Parkinson’s.
    3. Substance abuse – Using certain types of substances, such as MPTP, which is a type of synthetic heroin contaminant, can also lead to Parkinson’s type of symptoms, but in a much severe form.
    4. Shy-Drager syndrome – It is a type of rare degenerative condition in which the symptoms are very similar to that of Parkinson’s.

    There is no complete cure for Parkinson’s disease treatment yet. Doctors often prescribe various medications to control the symptoms that are associated with the condition. If the symptoms are still too mild, the doctor may in fact ask for a wait-and-watch approach till these start affecting your loved one’s daily life, before prescribing any medication.

    Medicine Therapy

    When the symptoms get more pronounced, the doctor will prescribe medication. The dosage will vary depending on the severity of the symptoms and how and when it gets worse. Sometimes, a particular medicine may work well for your loved one. At other times, the doctor may need to give a combination of drugs to get the best results.

    The medicines used for Parkinson’s disease treatment are most effective during the initial time of use. With regular use, they stop having as much effect but can still have some control over the symptoms.

    Here are some of the more common medicines that are prescribed for helping those who are suffering from Parkinson’s.

    • Levodopa
    • MAO B Inhibitors
    • Dopamine Agonists
    • Catechol O-Methyltransferase
    • Antivirals
    • Anticholinergics

    Deep Brain Stimulation

    This is a type of Parkinson’s disease treatment that involves a surgical method. The surgeon will place wires inside your loved one’s brain. These wires will help to transfer small electrical signals to the parts of the brain that help to control movement. If the treatment works, these signals can help the affected parts of the brain to work better.

    Till date, there is no medically proven method that can help to prevent the onset of Parkinson’s disease.

    However, a combination of the following tips can help to improve your overall brain health and may delay the onset of Parkinson’s.

    1. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables on a regular basis.
    2. Consume foods that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, such as various seafood.
    3. Avoid red meat and have less dairy products.
    4. Include foods that are high in their fibre content

    With the right type of physical therapy exercise, it is possible to control the effects of Parkinson’s disease.

    How Physical Therapy Exercise Can Help A Parkinson’s Disease Patient

    Our physiotherapists will create a specific plan that will mainly focus on the following two aspects.

    1. Gait Retraining – The physiotherapist will teach and guide your loved one how to stand up, walk and move ahead. While there are various ways to do so, the therapist will mostly concentrate on repeating the actual steps that are used while walking, and use them to help your loved one walk again.
    2. Motor Control Relearning – The physiotherapist will help to improve various motor skills in your loved one with the use of repetitive motions. It also helps to improve overall movement.

    Benefits Of Physical Therapy Exercises For Parkinson’s Disease

    Here are some of the main benefits of physical therapy exercises that your loved one can avail of.

    1. Balance and coordination
    2. Ability to move and walk
    3. Overcome fatigue
    4. Improve stamina
    5. Reduce or control pain
    6. Improve and maintain posture

    Types Of Physiotherapy Exercises For Parkinson’s Disease

    Here is a list of the various types of physical therapy based exercises the therapist will use to help your loved one suffering from Parkinson’s disease.

    1. Breathing exercises to improve both the inhalation and the exhalation process.
    2. Stretching exercises to stretch and warm up muscles before any other exercises.
    3. Rhythmic exercises with rotational movements that are done in slow motions.
    4. Different exercises to help your loved one relearn about sitting, standing up and walking.
    5. Exercises to improve posture and maintain control over posture, that include static and dynamic exercises.
    6. Exercises that are aimed at stretching all parts of the body.
    7. Exercises that focus on functional mobility training. These types of exercises often include exercises that help in bed mobility, transfer training as well as helping your loved one get out of a chair or get up from a sitting position.
    8. Stationary exercises to help your loved one learn and relearn reciprocal movements, such as using a stationary bicycle.
    9. Using simple exercise motions such as clapping, moving the arms in a rotating motion, standing for some minutes at a stretch and so on.
    10. Progressive ambulation exercises done slowly, such as learning and relearning how to lift a leg and place it in front of the other, how to properly place the heel and the toe to maintain balance, how to swing the arms and balance while walking and so on.
    11. Teaching your loved one how to use various assistive instruments such as a walking stick, wheelchair or any other that may be required.

    A trained physiotherapist can assist in various ways to help control the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and provide as much relief as possible. You can book an appointment with one of our trained and experienced therapist to know more.

    For someone with Parkinson’s, the aim of exercising is to stay physically active, instead of trying to do a lot and stress the body. The therapist will help you choose what type of exercise plan will best suit your loved one, something that will also keep him or her interested.

    Here are some types of exercises that your loved one can try:

    • Dancing
    • Cycling
    • Swimming
    • Walking
    • Jogging
    • Aerobics
    • Water Aerobics
    • Gardening
    • Yoga
    • Simple Weight Training
    • Pilates

    Tips To Remember Before Exercising

    1. Speak to the doctor or neurologist and inform them that you are planning to start your loved one on an exercise plan. Ask them what type of exercise they feel will suit your loved one’s condition and overall health. If there is any particular exercise that your loved one wants to try, check on that with the doctor.
    2. If your loved one has never exercised till now, make sure you inform the doctor about the same as well. In some cases, the doctor may like to do a physical examination just to make sure that everything is right before starting the exercise program.
    3. Sometimes, the doctor may schedule a visit for your loved one with a physiotherapist who is experienced in working with patients affected with Parkinson’s disease. This will help you understand the type of exercises your loved one will have to do. It will help your loved one check how the body responds to exercise and if there is any particular discomfort that he or she experiences. Sometimes, the physiotherapist may modify certain exercises that will specifically work for the condition and for overall health.

    Important Tips

    1. In case any exercise makes your loved one feel uncomfortable or causes pain, speak to the doctor and physiotherapist and stop it for the time being.
    2. Make sure that your loved one does not get too tired. If it causes any type of discomfort, it is important to discontinue the exercise and give the body time to rest and heal.
    3. Always do a proper check of the immediate environment to make sure that your loved one will be safe while exercising and that there is no risk of an injury or fall.
    4. Speak to the doctor, help your loved one take it slow, and make sure he or she follows the therapist’s advice and guidance while exercising.

    Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Caregiver For A Parkinson’s Patient

    Looking after a loved one who is suffering from Parkinson’s can be quite a task. Not only will you have to make sure that all medical and care requirements are met on time, you will also have your own things to take care of on a daily basis.

    This is where hiring a professional caregiver can help you.

    1. Timely Medication And Care – The best treatment for Parkinson’s is often one where doctors try and work on each symptom as a separate condition. It is extremely important to make sure that your loved one takes all medicines on time. Also, a person suffering from Parkinson’s will lose control over movements, making it difficult to perform even the most basic of actions. Your loved one may become completely dependent on the carer, hence it is important to have someone present who can solely devote time to look after him or her.
    2. Less Feelings Of Frustration And Guilt – When you are caring for a loved one who has Parkinson’s, it can take a toll on your emotions and often make you feel guilty or frustrated. Spending most of your time with the patient can make you feel drained out and leave little time to do anything else, or to relax. This can cause extreme exhaustion, stress and even frustration. A professional caregiver can take care of your loved one at home, so that you can take care of your other responsibilities and your own health without taking away any attention from your loved one.
    3. Experienced And Methodical Approach – Our professional caregivers are extensively trained to look after specific conditions and know how to approach a particular patient based on behaviour and temperament, as well as medical and emotional needs. At SHC, we make sure that our caregivers are always attuned to the patient’s every need, whether it is physical or emotional, and will provide your loved one with the utmost care, attention and dignity that they deserve.
    4. Regular Communication With The Doctor And Updates As Required – All our caregivers are trained to directly communicate with the doctors and keep them updated about any progress or concern, as required. The caregiver will keep all prescriptions in place and maintain records related to daily and weekly progress and health overall. As and when required, they will share the same with the doctor in question and also assist in medical visits by going along with the patient, if you so wish.

    Our specially trained physiotherapist are extremely experienced in caring for those who suffer from various degenerative conditions, such as Parkinson’s, and have mobility issues.

    What To Expect On Your First Visit

    1. The physiotherapist will examine your loved one and understand overall health condition as well as the specific condition for which treatment is required. Once that is done, the therapist will build a proper care plan to cater to all needs.
    2. The main aim of the physiotherapist will be to first reduce pain, to help your loved one gain mobility and assist him or her in resuming regular functioning and routine. The next goal will be to prevent and reduce chances of any disability by delaying its onset.
    3. Once the initial healing begins and results start showing, the therapist will improve your loved one’s fitness levels and help them achieve a more active and healthier lifestyle.

    As this is a type of progressive degenerative situation, it is extremely important to plan out the entire day. This will ensure that while your loved one gets enough mobility and activity, there are also enough periods of rest. Our care staff will put together a proper patient care plan that will help in taking care of all aspects of life for your loved one. This will also give the caregiver a good idea of how to proceed in the most effective way.

    Here are some things that the caregiver will give attention to on a daily basis:

    • Daily Grooming

      The caregiver will prepare a routine for daily grooming activities such as brushing, shaving, combing, bathing and the like, so that your loved one can get into a regular schedule. Sometimes, the caregiver may use assisting tools to help with severe mobility issues. For instance, toothbrushes that come with spots to loop in the fingers or electric toothbrushes that make it easier to brush independently can be useful. The caregiver will also assist your loved one in getting in and out of clothes.

    • Using The Washroom

      Going to the washroom can be difficult when your loved one is suffering from Parkinson’s, as it creates issues with mobility. The caregiver can help by using a bedside toilet or bedpan. Additionally, the caregiver may also help to install safety rails around the commode to make it easier for your loved one to get up from a seated position.

    • Hygiene And Cleanliness

      Bathing is also an immensely difficult task for a person who is affected with Parkinson’s. The caregiver will make use of various tools that can assist your loved one. There are various shower chairs that can be used, and sponges that have soaps inside them. These can help your loved one take a bath without help and provide some much needed privacy, even as the caregiver is available to assist.

    • Eating

      The caregiver will plan a timetable for meal times and allow enough time for your loved one to eat without trying to chew or swallow fast. The caregiver will also make sure that your loved one sits comfortably and the cutlery is lightweight and easy to use.

    • Conserving Energy And Avoiding Exhaustion

      Your loved one should get a good amount of rest through the day, as well as during the night. Planning specific periods of rest will allow him or her to take timed rest. This, in turn, will help your loved one to preserve energy and not get unduly exhausted.